Questions About Senior Citizen Life Insurance


As you make your financial plan for your family, consider the senior citizen life insurance for the elders in your family. Are you interested in permanent or term life insurance for seniors? Next, you must consider how much coverage you need and for how long a term.

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You must consider how you will handle senior citizen life insurance. If you have life insurance for the elderly, what is your reason for it? Is it to provide for your children upon passing? Are you the child buying the insurance for your own parent? All of these questions must be carefully considered in light of the senior citizen’s age, health and financial status. Also, as a person ages and gets beyond the age of 65, the premium paid for that policy goes up a far amount. In addition, if you are caring for senior parents, you must also consider healthcare and long term living assistance costs.

Questions to consider include: How will you pay for the policy? What are the terms for the family to receive the benefit? A good option for you or your dependents may be term life insurance for seniors.

Whether you get a policy of permanent or term life insurance for seniors will ultimately depend upon your unique situation. While  you may need a death benefit or not, look at several options before you commit so you can find what is most suitable.

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